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A summary of our provision

Within the Nursery there are three main teaching areas combining a wet/messy area and a quiet area. There is a large and spacious bathroom with facilities to meet the needs of all children. A quiet withdrawal room is available for assessment purposes and for individual work.

We have an exceptionally well equipped Soft Play Room, a Multi-Sensory Room and a large hall used for indoor play and dinner time.

We have touch-screen computers which can also be operated by switches so that all children are able to access them. A wide variety of switch activated toys also offer children a variety of opportunities to develop their ICT skills in motivating ways.

The outside play areas are secure and fully fenced; they offer a safe and stimulating environment for outdoor learning. Within the outdoor area we have a range of play equipment which is also accessible for wheelchair users, this includes a trampoline! We have a nature area and gardening plot which children use to grow vegetables all year round.

Regular trips and outings enable us to support and enhance the curriculum - these can be local walks to the park, library, train station, shops, etc or trips to further away places such as the zoo, farm, garden centre, etc.  Transport is always organised through Leicestershire County Council and special seats and safety belts are used.  Children are always carefully supervised, 1-1 with an adult wherever possible.  A permission form is required for parents/guardians to sign prior to these outings.

If you live more than 2 miles away from the Nursery you can apply for transport to and from home - however, there is a charge for this service in most circumstance.  Further information on this is available on the Leicestershire County Council website. The bus or taxi used for this purpose is provided with child safety seats and your child will always have an escort. You are of course welcome to transport your child yourself.
