Sketchley Hill Menphys Nursery is a purpose built Nursery for children aged 2-5 years who have special educational needs. We are situated within the grounds of Sketchley Hill Primary School in Burbage, Hinckley.The Nursery was built with fund raised money, in 1992, by the Leicestershire based Menphys charity. The building was handed over to Leicestershire County Council in July 1992 and it has been funded since this date by the Local Authority. The Nursery is staffed by qualified Teachers, Nursery Nurses and Learning Support Assistants. The Nursery's practitioners work closely with other professionals who regularly visit us to support the children's learning. These professionals include Speech and Language Therapists, Physio and Occupational Therapists, Autism Outreach Team and Teachers from the Hearing and Vision Impaired Service.
We are delighted to welcome you to our Nursery.
Laura Jeffs
Head Teacher